What will life in the Philippines be like after the enhanced, general or any modified community quarantine is over? Are you ready and waiting to return to the office? Or have you settled into the remote work routine, and planning to keep your home office going? 

While a full vaccine is still a fair way off, mandatory lockdowns are lifting all over the world. With the Covid-19 quarantine likely coming to an end sooner rather than later, how are you preparing for the post-corona world?

The new normal

It’s no secret that work life pre-corona was all sunshine and rainbows. Long hours, endless commutes, and less than stellar working environments were far too commonplace throughout the Philippines. As more companies begin to move towards reopening, it is vital that we return not to normal, but rather a “new normal”.

This new normal can embrace all the lessons learned in lockdown; how to improve productivity for remote workers, how to integrate working from home for regular employees, and how to stay connected while maintaining social distancing. 

Another key factor to this will be the adoption of better technology infrastructure. The pandemic has shown just how vital strong internet services are to the stability of the economy, and how a fast, reliable internet connection can keep your business afloat during any storm.

Getting out of the home office

The reopening of offices big and small will play a major role in the end of lockdown. While many of us have made the switch to working from home, there are still plenty of people keen to get back to a workplace that is actually dedicated to work. 

There certainly are some benefits to be gained here: no kids underfoot, desks that aren’t pulling double duty as kitchen tables, and internet connections that aren’t being chewed through by neighbours streaming netflix all day.

However, there will have to be major changes to how we work in these places. Open plan offices might be a thing of the past, hot desks will certainly be out, and per-person limits for things like elevators, bathrooms and meeting rooms will likely be in effect. Personal hygiene standards will also have to rise – including actually taking sick leave and staying away from the office while unwell.

Making a plan

All of this opens up many questions that you, your coworkers, employers and even employees are likely to have. Having answers to those questions prepared in advance will make the transition back to the office much easier on everyone.

These questions can include basic hygiene practices like washing hands and wearing masks, changes to contracts like number of sick days, and protocol updates like having clients, friends or family members visit the workplace.

These plans certainly don’t have to be set in stone (being able to adapt to rapid changes is going to be a necessity for a while yet), the earlier everyone starts getting on board the better. Confusion and uncertainty are the enemies of productivity, so do yourself and your workflow a favour and get planning today!

Travel and entertainment

The end of lockdown isn’t all workplaces and productivity quotas mind you – there are plenty of leisure activities that we are dying to get back to. As keen as we are to hit the beach, the gym and the cinemas however, we’re also keen to remain as safe as possible.

The new normal of safety measures will be vital for all travel and entertainment companies post lockdown. From the basics of additional cleaning services and per-person limits in enclosed spaces, to touchless payment options and advanced staff training, many of these companies are updating their protocols. Before you book, double check that the company you choose has made their new safety measures public.

It is also important to take responsibility for your own safety. If your favourite beach looks too crowded, move on to another spot. Make sure to wear a mask, bring hand sanitizer, and practice the 5 keys for food safety. If you feel sick, return home. Together, we can make sure that virus outbreaks are controlled so we can all enjoy the new normal.