
Should Your Office Consider A Dedicated Internet Connection?

Introduction Modern businesses rely heavily on the Internet for their daily operations. Everything depends on a stable and fast internet connection, from emails to critical applications. Your standard broadband connection might not be enough for the scale of your operations. In this blog, we’ll explore why your office should consider switching to a dedicated internet […]

5 Internet Tools for a Modern Office

In this country’s digital landscape, modern tools bring both convenience and increase productivity in any office. Whether you’re a small startup or a large corporation, leveraging technology can enhance collaboration, make processes more convenient, and keep every team connected with the help of fast internet in the Philippines. Let’s explore five internet tools that every […]

6 Ways Your IT Department Can Maximize Your Office Internet

A reliable internet connection is critical in almost every industry. Whether a small startup or a large enterprise, your IT team is crucial in ensuring every department has fast and stable office internet so that the entire organization can operate at peak performance. Let’s explore six practical strategies from a fast internet provider to boost […]

7 Factors That Affect The Quality Of Your Internet

In today’s fast-paced digital world, having a fast and reliable business internet connection in the Philippines is a necessity. Whether you’re looking to do some work-related projects or host a virtual meeting, having a good connection is essential for you to succeed. However, maintaining the quality of your business internet experience can be challenging. Lots […]

6  Things to Consider When Choosing an ISP for Your Business

Having reliable business internet in the Philippines is crucial for companies in today’s fast-paced digital world. A dependable internet connection is essential to maintain a business’s productivity and efficiency, as it can significantly impact revenue and opportunities. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right ISP to ensure that your internet needs are met. This […]

Is Your Business Scared of the Internet?

The internet often seems fundamental to modern business life; everything from customer service, bookkeeping, sales, marketing and even daily operations can be (and generally is) done online. However not every business is taking full advantage of the benefits the internet can provide.  Some businesses may not be able to access fast, reliable internet services, and […]

How the weather affects your internet connection

The weather in the Philippines isn’t always as stable as we would like it to be, and when bad weather hits, it can have a big impact on your internet connection. Some of us are already used to interruptions during big weather events, like floods and storms. The internet runs on electricity after all, and […]

Is Net Neutrality Important for Businesses in the Philippines?

Is your internet connection free? Obviously most internet service providers make you pay money to use the internet, but is that the only restriction in place? As long as you pay your bill, you can access any online content or service you want. And if you pay for a 100 Mbps connection, you will get […]

Is the internet in the Philippines getting better?

Internet speeds are on the rise in the Philippines. According to the latest reports from the Ookla Speedtest Global Index, the Philippines has jumped 15% to an average of 68.94 Mbps for fixed broadband internet speeds, pushing the country above the global median 66.25 Mbps. Network upgrades, new infrastructure, and more competition among telco operators […]

Preparing Your Office for Hybrid Working

In 2020, the world went into lockdown and work culture as we knew it had to change overnight. Over 2 years later and we are now staring down the next big shift for businesses – the return to the office. Unlike the move to remote working, very few businesses are trying to get their entire […]