
We tested 4 internet myths to see which ones are real.

Since the internet was born, and the very first email sent, people have been sharing wild theories across the world wide web. Spooky stories, Nigerian princes, conspiracy theories – everything is possible on the information super highway! Between these tall tales and suspicious scams lies something more insidious: the internet myth. A whisper heard around […]

Will 2021 be the last year your office has a virtual Christmas party?

‘Tis the season and once again office workers around the world are wondering how to host their Christmas parties virtually. WIth vaccines now widely available and many offices making plans to reopen, the “new normal” from the last 2 years is coming to an end.  At the same time, many people are still working from […]

Introduction to Data Privacy – the three principles of privacy

In the modern world, almost everything there is to know about you is available online. Your medical records, your education and work history, your family connections, maybe even a few shameful secrets, are very likely to be digitally stored somewhere.  In previous articles, we’ve looked at data security as a way that you (and your […]

Why networks need to constantly upgrade their infrastructure

In 1965, with some of the first computers ever built only a decade old, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore posited that the number of transistors on a microchip would double every 2 years. Colloquially known as Moore’s Law, this was an observation that the speed of technological advancement was about to rapidly accelerate. While this sounds […]

How the internet is helping the world reach sustainable development goals

Living in the age of COVID has been difficult for everyone, but it has been a lot harder on those who can’t access the internet. When many of us switched to working from home, Zoom coffee dates and online schooling, people without reliable internet access were left in the dark. The internet allows us to […]

Why You Need to Update Your Password

For many of us, our digital devices are our life. Or at least our lifeline to participating in broader society. Our computers are offices, our phones are wallets, and our smartwatches can even open the doors to our homes. Controlling who has regular access to these devices is more important than ever! This is why […]

7 steps to protect yourself from malware

We would all like to believe the internet is safe – that everyone browsing the world wide web has good intentions and acts in our best interest. Unfortunately there is no denying that criminals are also online – trying to make money (and trouble) with little regard for the welfare of others. In the previous […]

How Malware Attacks Can Cost Your Business Big

The internet is everywhere, and as our digital lives become ever more important, so too has our need to stay safe and secure online. Cybersecurity has become a major cornerstone of the digital landscape, and malware has become big business. In this second article on information security, we will take a closer look at what […]

Getting Started with Information Security – Digital Threats to Your Business

The internet has brought the whole world to our fingertips, and businesses that can best leverage the competitive advantages of the internet have quickly risen to the top. Businesses aren’t the only ones adapting however – crime has also gone digital, and your information is a prime target. Access to the private data of businesses […]

How it Works: Global Internet Rankings

The internet may be one of the largest shared infrastructure networks in the world, but the strength of those networks is not shared equally. Depending on where you are in the world, your internet experience can be vastly different; download speed, latency, and available bandwidth can all be affected by your location. So how do […]