Preparing Your Office for Hybrid Working

In 2020, the world went into lockdown and work culture as we knew it had to change overnight. Over 2 years later and we are now staring down the next big shift for businesses – the return to the office. Unlike the move to remote working, very few businesses are trying to get their entire […]

Will 2021 be the last year your office has a virtual Christmas party?

‘Tis the season and once again office workers around the world are wondering how to host their Christmas parties virtually. WIth vaccines now widely available and many offices making plans to reopen, the “new normal” from the last 2 years is coming to an end.  At the same time, many people are still working from […]

Are You Experiencing Technostress? How to Relax When You’re Always Available

Once the idea of working from home was lauded as the panacea for the modern workforce: no more crowded cities, packed commuter trains and gridlocked highways, thanks to the miracle of high speed internet. Then the pandemic hit, and we were plunged into a world-wide working from home experiment. Would it actually be the saviour […]

How COVID-19 Reshaped the Internet

As early as May in 2020, over 200 countries worldwide retreated into some level of lockdown due to coronavirus. Our extended shelter-in-place condition has led to a surge in need for internet services and digital technologies. Remote work, online purchasing, video conferencing and streaming content all exploded, adding extreme stress to internet infrastructure everywhere. But […]

4 Things We’re Looking Forward to in 2021

2020 was the year of cancellations. From travel plans to movie releases, even the olympics, everything was getting pushed back to the next year. As the year dragged on and the list of cancelled plans and postponed events grew larger, so did the hope for a brighter future in 2021. Well, it’s the new year […]

Lessons Learned from the 12 Days of Christmas

Nearly a month on and we are still riding high on the RISE 12 Days of Christmas event! Join us as we rewind our holiday clocks and look back on four weeks of holiday joy. Click on the links below to watch our recording of each webinar, or follow us on Facebook to view our […]

What We’ve Learned About Celebrating Under Lockdown

The global pandemic has put a huge strain on people all over the world in 2020, and it looks like we’ll be stuck with potential lockdowns and other restrictions for a little while yet. It’s not all doom and gloom however, and with a little ingenuity and a lot of planning, you can still pull […]

A Step by Step Guide for Home Internet Troubleshooting Tools

This step-by-step guide will cover how to configure two basic troubleshooting tools, Traceroute and MTR, in different operating systems. Traceroute Traceroute for Windows Open the command prompt. Go to Start > Run. In the command prompt, type: tracert hostname. You may have to wait up to a minute or more for the test to complete. […]

5 Ideas to Upskill in Quarantine

Don’t let quarantine slow your personal and professional growth! Covid may have put a lot of life on the backburner, but the need to build your skillset and earning potential has never been more prominent. With the economic impact of the global pandemic still building and increased uncertainty for workers around the world, can you […]

4 ways to reinvigorate your home office

Is your home office starting to look a little tired? e. After nearly half a year working from home, a home office makeover could be just what you need to reinvigorate your home and re-establish your work-life balance.